
Costanza Iacomini

Head of Fintech Division, Bank of Italy

Costanza Iacomini, Head of the Fintech Division established in 2020 in the Retail payment instruments and services Directorate of Banca d’Italia; the FinTech Division - among other things - is in charge of coordinating the activities of the innovation facilitators managed by Banca d’Italia. She is currently member of the European Commission’s European Forum for Innovation Facilitators and has extensive experience in regulation and oversight of payment services and payment instruments

16.15 - 17.00

Tuesday RAID Virtual 2024

Panel 7: Financial Services: Blueprints for Global Regulation and Adoption?

  • Leveraging Achievements: How lessons from financial regulation can inform global technology regulatory frameworks
  • Challenges for Financial Stability: Identifying and addressing the significant challenges ahead and achieving regulatory alignment
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies: Overcoming barriers to adoption and ensuring a coordinated global approach