
Sebastian-Dan Naste

Senior Analyst, Cullen International

Sebastian follows EU regulation related to privacy and data protection, as well as national legislative developments covering the digital economy more broadly in Ireland and Romania. He joined Cullen International from a consultancy company in Brussels, where he was a public affairs manager. Sebastian worked at the Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU in the team dealing with cybersecurity and telecom during Romania’s Presidency of the Council of the EU in the first half of 2019. Previously, he worked for Deloitte Luxembourg advising the EU institutions on how to address the cyber and privacy challenges. Sebastian has an LL.M Master’s Degree in Law and Technology from Tilburg University in the Netherlands.

16:15 - 17.05

Tuesday Plenary Agenda Day 2

Panel 7: International and Cross-Sector Alignment on Technology Regulation

  • In a multipolar world, where can we build global benchmarks and international regulatory alignment?
  • Learning from different jurisdictions and regional alliances (BRICS; Transatlantic; ASEAN and the Global South)
  • Balancing trade rules with privacy protection, and ensuring technology neutrality in trade agreements
  • Cross-sector insights into regulatory challenges