Waldemar Gonçalves Ortunho Júnior
Waldemar Gonçalves Ortunho Junior is an electronic engineer, graduated from Instituto Militar de Engenharia, IME. He has a postgraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Brasília, UnB.
In the academic and educational field, he represented Brazil as an advisor/instructor at the Escuela Politécnica del Ejército (ESPE) from 1996 to 1998. In addition, he was a professor for more than 20 years at several higher education institutions in the Federal District, such as IESB, Catholic University of Brasília, Faculdades Michelângelo, UniCEUB, ICESP and Faculdade Alvorada.
From 1973 to 2003, as a Brazilian Army officer, he held various operational and administrative positions in the Ministry of Defense: engineer in Army Telecommunications Directorate, head of Telecommunications Center and head of Telematics Section of the Army Command.
In 2004, he was a Grants Evaluation General Coordinator for Broadcasting Service at Ministry of Communications. He was also part of the Digital TV Management Group, responsible for choosing the Brazilian Digital Television System.
From December 2010 to January 2013, he was a Coordinator of “Brigada Braço Forte” project at Instituto Cesar.
During the major national events, 2013 Confederations Cup and 2014 World Cup, he was a Telecommunications Coordinator for FIFA Local Committee.
He was a Systems Engineering Advisor at the Ingepro consortium, a supporter of the SISFRON project, from February 2014 to August 2015.
In his last role prior to being appointed Chief Executive Officer of ANPD, he was the President of Telecomunicações Brasileiras S.A. – Telebras, from January 2019 to November 2020.