RAID Virtual 2024 Innovate, Regulate and Implement with Courage and Caution
Tuesday 30th April 2024

SCHEDULE DETAILS Information of Event Schedules

World is committed to making participation in the event a harassment free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression

13.00 - 13.45

Panel: Intersection of Tech and Existing Vertical Regulations

13.45 - 14.30

Panel: Regulating AI in Healthcare

14:30 - 15:15

Panel: Societal applications of Robotics

15.15 - 15.45

Coffee Break and Networking

15.45 - 16.30

Panel: AI in the Workplace

16.30 - 17.15

Panel: Regulating the Digitalisation of Medical Devices

17.15 - 18.00

Panel: Balancing Data Access and Privacy

13:00 - 13:45

Panel: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

13:45 - 14:30

Panel: Technology and Financial Stability

14:30 - 15:15

Panel: Opportunities and Risks of AI in Financial Services

15:15 - 15:45

Coffee Break and Networking

`15:45 - 16.30

Panel: Crypto Regulation

16.30 - 17.15

Panel: Digital Transformation of the Automotive Industry

17.15 - 18.00

Panel: Applications and regulation of industrial data

13.00 - 13.45

Panel: Shared Learnings between Industry and Government

13.45 - 14.30

Panel: How Governments can Support the Tech Sector

14.30 - 15.15

Panel: Emerging Technologies and Innovation

15.15 - 15.45

Coffee Break and Networking

15.45 - 16.30

Panel: Challenges of Misinformation in the Digital Age

16.30 - 17.15

Panel: Regaining Trust in Government and Technology

17.15 - 18.00

Panel: Shared Learnings between Government and Technology


Keynote Addresses


Panel 1: Grasping the Opportunities and Threats of AI and Digital Transformation

  • What should governments be focusing on now, from the next Working Programme of the European Commission to other jurisdictions?
  • How should tech regulation and implementation balance the risks and opportunities of AI adoption and digital transformation
  • Fostering innovation and adoption: which industry sectors face the greatest opportunities and challenges?
  • Ensuring a human-centred and equitable approach to AI adoption
  • Addressing the intellectual property rights issues around generative AI


Panel 2: Internet Governance: Protecting Societies and Consumer Rights:

  • Safeguarding net neutrality, user well-being and internet freedom
  • Fairness: regulating dark patterns and personalised pricing
  • Tackling the societal threat of disinformation and establishing ethical boundaries in the era of deepfakes
  • Virtual worlds: avoiding past mistakes while envisioning an integrated and immersive future

10:30 - 11:10

Coffee Break and Networking

11:10 - 12:00

Panel 3: Driving Digital Transformation and Innovation

  • Harnessing critical and emerging technologies responsibly
  • Industry perspectives on regulatory needs for innovation
  • Comparing macroeconomic approaches to promoting competitiveness, investment and innovation across jurisdictions

12:00 - 12:40

Panel 4: Making Tech Legislation Work in Practice

  • What are the challenges in implementing the new wave of tech legislation: the AI Act, DSA and DMA?
  • Regional harmonisation: how is implementation and enforcement going to happen in the same way across Europe?
  • Lessons from the experience of GDPR: how can we avoid overstretching DPAs

12:40 - 13:50

Lunch & Networking

13:50 - 14:40

Panel 5: Rising up to the Challenge: Competition vs. Competitiveness

  • Antitrust: global and industry perspectives on competition policy – what can different jurisdictions learn from each other’s approaches to anticompetitive behaviour?
  • Pro-growth: How can regulatory and macroeconomic policies boost competitiveness and address market concentration?
  • What is the role of investment in “levelling up” the global tech landscape, and how can this be achieved?
  • What’s the role of “big tech” in enabling other players to thrive?

14:40 - 15:20

Panel 6: Data Governance and Privacy in the Digital Era

  • Impact of new regulations on Data Protection Authorities
  • What next for the European Data Spaces?
  • Regulating access to data and addressing the challenges of AdTech

15:20 - 16:00

Coffee Break and Networking

16:00 - 16:50

Panel 7: Where Sectors Meet: Technology-Specific vs Vertical Regulations

  • Cross-sector insights into digital transformation and the role of the technology industry
  • Implementation: how new technology-specific regulations impact industries differently
  • Leveraging regulatory frameworks across sectors: lessons from healthcare, financial services, and high-risk industries
  • Promoting collaboration and innovation while ensuring compliance in regulated environments

16:50 - 17:30

Panel 8: International Alignment on Technology Regulation

  • In a multipolar world, where can we build global benchmarks and international regulatory alignment?
  • Learning from different jurisdictions and regional alliances (BRICS; Transatlantic; ASEAN and more)
  • Balancing trade rules with privacy protection
  • Ensuring technology neutrality in trade agreements
  • Fostering competition in a multipolar world: challenges and opportunities


Conference Close

09.30 - 09.45

Welcome Address


Vera Jourova


Gabriela Ramos

09.45 - 10.30

Panel 1: Innovation and Regulation – Getting the Balance Right

  • Harnessing the Opportunity: Identifying where AI and digital technologies can bring the greatest good.
  • Addressing Common Concerns: Identifying shared challenges among governments and industry worldwide.
  • Finding the Balance: How can governments, industry and civil society work together worldwide to maximise benefit and minimise risk.


Prof. Ahmet Yozgatlıgil


Kilian Gross


Aakash Guglani


Mira Burri

10.30 - 10.45

Networking Break

10.45 - 11.30

Panel 2: Internet Regulation: Order in the New Frontier

  • Regional Approaches: Comparing and contrasting diverse national strategies for safeguarding internet user rights.
  • Self-Regulation in the Digital Age: Examining how platform companies are taking proactive measures to regulate their activities and protect users.
  • DSA and OSA Implementation: What impact are the incoming regulations having on companies and what is the role of cross-border regulatory coordination?


Jean-Pierre Raffarin


Camilla Bustani


Adv Collen Weapond

11.30 - 11.45

Networking Break

11.45 - 12.30

Panel 3: Rethinking Data Protection

  • Cultural Perspectives on Privacy: Understanding how attitudes toward personal privacy vary across cultures.
  • Global Consensus on Data Access: Exploring common ground on when governments and law enforcement access personal data.
  • Addressing Security Concerns: The impact of international data flows on security and proposing mitigating strategies.
  • Assessing GDPR's Ongoing Relevance: Evaluating the effectiveness of GDPR and responses of global data protection regulations.
  • Navigating Tech Legislation: Understanding the impact of DSA, AI Act, and other regulations on data protection.
  • Evolution of DPAs: Exploring the changing role of Data Protection Authorities in the current regulatory landscape


Katherine Harman-Stokes


Tine A. Larsen


Cecilia Alvarez Rigaudias


Isabel Simpson


Natascha Gerlach

12.30 - 12.45

Networking Break

12.45 - 13.30

Panel 4: AI Governance: Risks and Opportunities

  • Balancing Risks and Rewards: Identifying the significant risks and opportunities associated with AI and the effectiveness of legislation in addressing them
  • Compliance in AI Implementation: Considerations for aligning with emerging AI regulations
  • Global Treaty on AI Governance: Exploring the feasibility and implications of a binding international treaty


Dragos Tudorache


Yordanka Ivanova


Dr. Anna Christmann


Laurent Gobbi


Nicolas de Bouville

13.30 - 14.00

Networking Break

14.00 - 14.15

Keynote Fireside Chat

Elizabeth Kelly, Director, U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute (in conversation with Ben Avison, Conference Director, RAID)


Elizabeth Kelly

14.15 - 15.00

Panel 5: Driving digital transformation fairly and responsibly

  • Which industries are changing the fastest now, and what does this mean for business, government and society?
  • What are regulators doing to ensure the benefits of digital transformation are widely felt?
  • What can policymakers can do to boost competitiveness while upholding trust, transparency and accountability?


Werner Stengg


Magali Durieux


Dr. Miriam Stankovich


Alexandre Roure


Dea Markova

15.00 - 15.15

Networking Break

15.15 - 16.00

Panel 6: Children first: how to handle privacy, consent and age assurance

  • Cross-Jurisdictional Insights: Learning from different jurisdictions' approaches to safeguarding children and young people
  • Mitigating Risks for CYP: Assessing the greatest risks and strategies employed by regulators and platform companies
  • Roles and Responsibilities: How different players in the ecosystem can approach children’s rights in a progressive and harmonised manner


Anja Wyrobek


Fred Langford


Jennifer Dolan


Andy Phippen


Lisa Robinson

16.00 - 16.15

Networking Break

16.15 - 17.00

Panel 7: Financial Services: Blueprints for Global Regulation and Adoption?

  • Leveraging Achievements: How lessons from financial regulation can inform global technology regulatory frameworks
  • Challenges for Financial Stability: Identifying and addressing the significant challenges ahead and achieving regulatory alignment
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies: Overcoming barriers to adoption and ensuring a coordinated global approach


Karmela Holtgreve


Costanza Iacomini


Alain Otaegui


Jannah Patchay

17.00 - 17.10

Closing Remarks


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